Thursday, September 25, 2008

So Neglected!!!

My terribly neglected blog... Im such a slack blogger!!

Here is a From our blog to yours post or two for Sweet Shoppe Designs!

From Our Blog to Yours 9/18/08

You Could Not Be a Vampire

Sorry, but you're not just cut out for flesh eating, turning into a bat, and living forever.

But that's okay. The sight of blood turns your stomach... without even thinking of drinking it.

And while you definitely would never be a vampire, you're exactly the type of frail prey Dracula wannabe's crave.

Maybe it's time to arm yourself with a cross and some nasty garlic breath!

What you would like best about being a vampire: The raw power (though you wouldn't admit it to anyone)

What you would like least about being a vampire: The whole killing thing

From Our Blog To Yours - 9/11

You Are 64% Real

You know who you are, and you're pretty darn comfortable with yourself.

Like everyone, you struggle with the parts of yourself that aren't so great...

But you're good at accepting who you are and not dwelling on your faults.

As a result, you're confident, optimistic, and very real.

From Our Blog To Yours - 9/4

Crayola Colour quiz, out of 64 Crayons I got a whopping total of 53 Mistakes!!!!
Im very out of touch with my Crayons, I think I may have to buy a box and learn them!!

Monday, August 25, 2008

FOBTY 8-21 Back to School

Another one!! Can you tell Im trying to catch up before the end of the month?

You Were the Arty Kid
Whether you were a drama freak or an emo poet, you definitely were expressive and unique.

You're probably a little less weird these days - but even more talented!

From Our Blog To Yours with Libby

From our Blog to Yours - Sweet Shoppe Designs (7/8)

Testing my "Grease" Movie knowledge.
I love this movie, so I knew I would do pretty well.

Here's my result:

You are an expert!
You have correctly answered 13 of 15 questions.

Now I need to watch the movie again!!

FOB2Y - Sweet Shoppe Designs

It seems this is the only thing I post on my Blog these days, so I have made a pact that I will start posting here more... even if no one is reading it.

FOB2Y on SSD (7/31)

I know its very late, but better late then never. We were asked to show a LO that makes us happy well here's mine:
Im a huge fan of Gwen, going back to when I was 14 years old and was completely obsessed with No Doubt. I never got to see them preform as a group Live and told my self that I would definately go and see Gwen if she ever came to Australia. Well she did and I was there, I got to rock out to my favourite singer Front Row centre stage. It was an amazing experience and every time I look at this LO I remember exactly how it felt to be there.

Friday, August 15, 2008

FOB2Y with Angela!

Another From Our Blog to Yours challenge for Sweet Shoppe Designs... Here!

I found this quiz interesting because of the fact that im Aussie, I just figured my accent would be less American and more Aussie... but here goes.

What American accent do you have?
Your Result: The Northeast

Judging by how you talk you are probably from north Jersey, New York City, Connecticut or Rhode Island. Chances are, if you are from New York City (and not those other places) people would probably be able to tell if they actually heard you speak.

The Inland North
The Midland
The South
The West
North Central
What American accent do you have?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

FOB2Y - Sweet Shoppe Designs

From Our Blog to Yours 7.17.08

We were asked to write about our summer jobs or adventures. Well I was a very boring teen and didnt ever have adventures, well nothing worth writing about anyways. I did used to work for my Auntie and Uncle in the school holidays. They used to own a photo shop, and I used to go in and she's teach me how to develop photo's (films) and I sometimes even got to serve customers. It was allot of fun and I even went through a stage where I thought I would work in a photo lab when I grew up. I never did end up working in one though.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

FOB2Y - Sweet Shoppe Designs

Im hip-hop? haha, didnt see that one coming!!

You Are Hip-Hop Music

You are expressive, intense, and often misunderstood.

You appreciate being entertained, and you're not easily offended.

You don't shy from controversy or from having opinions.

And while you have a strong personality, deep down you just like to have fun.